Post-Legislation Review as a Tool of Quality Legislative and Effective Law

Executive SummaryA good law contributes to the realization of its expected regulatory results. It demonstrates thatlegislation is effective in achieving its predetermined goals. In...

Freedom Observer No: 34

Editörden, We can perhaps make the most accurate assessment of the state of Turkish politics by looking at the final decision of the Supreme Election...

Freedom Observer No: 33

From Editor-in-Chief With the entry into the election period, the strategies of the political parties and the shape of the election campaigns began to become...

Freedom Observer No: 32

From Editor-in-Chief While Turkey was trying to heal the wounds of the February 6 earthquake, it also witnessed new political developments that affected the balance...

Freedom Observer No: 31

From Editor-in-Chief It is with great sadness that this issue of the Bulletin is prepared at an extraordinary time when a massive disaster hit the...

Freedom Observer No. 30

From Editor-in-Chief As in the previous Bulletin, the tense relations between the government and the opposition are at the forefront of the political agenda. At...

Freedom Observer No. 29

From Editor-in-Chief The multi-faceted crisis that Turkey has been going through for the last ten years continues to deepen day by day and shows no...

A Review on the Mass Surveillance Technologies Used During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Terms...

While the use of inspection and surveillance technologies is administratively practical for increasing public compliance with the measures and minimizing implementation costs, there is...

Annual Report 2021

Since the day we were founded as Freedom Research Association, we have worked and continue to do our best to produce public policies for...

2021 ALMANAC The Rule of Law, Democracy, Civil and Economic Freedoms in Turkey

This study consists of all the simplified versions of the bulletins called Freedom Observer prepared within the scope of the “Monitoring the Rule of...